понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

carpinteria shore

Oh god, im sick and i fuckinapos; hate it

AFKing on Wonderland Online while typing my excuese note from friday. I have 3 tests to make up from that day. I should really stop taking days off.

I designed the most perfectly awesome coat today in spanish class. Since its getting cold, I need a jacket anyway. I havent decided on the colors yet either black, blue or purple. I just need to get my hands on some monster fur. I still need to buy a regular hoodie. I saw some at walmart but they all looked kinda cheap. I donapos;t know whats up with this skulls and guitars theme they have going now. I liked the old shirts they had with stupid sayings on them.

Also, i have decided that Im just gonna start buying my jeans online, because most of walmarts new pants suck, im either too tall for them or they all just look funny. Plus i think its alot easier for me to just buy jeans offline anyway, more chance of me finding good pants that I like and that fit me.

Momapos;s making muffins...it smells good... And now im hungry again.. I need to go back on my diet, i have been eating randomly alot lately. Just because we have food and theres nothing else to do. Also, i have been sick lately and i dont feel like doing much else besides sleeping and eating. I planned to go back to dancing tonight but maybe later. I need to take some meds. I totally want to practice go go dancing, it looks like fun and mom says i need more exercise, I know they have dvdapos;s for sale so maybe Ill get one of those.

I need to buy more CDapos;s or burn them whatever... But the thing is i cant find the cd that I want, so im waiting for it to be released because... I donapos;t want to go and hunt down every single track and make a CD out of that....

I also need to clean out my camera, its loaded with pictures and stuff from anime club. I still need to cut the video from the first meeting. I want adobe bridge I need it to sort through all those damn pictures and I refuse to do so until i have it, or something like it so... I guess i should get downloading.... Oh well, off to find a torrent.

fmhi, carpinteria shore, carpinteria shores, carpinteria site myspace.com, carpinteria state.

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